Not only is video marketing an excellent choice for effective advertising, the power of this media type also extends to affordability. While you do have to invest in professional video production from an expert Montreal team, you save a lot of money when you use it in your ongoing advertising strategy. It all comes down to efficiency, precise targeting, audience engagement, and no more wasted investments to get that high return you want and need.

The Importance of Ad Tracking and Analytics

The number one way to create an effective and affordable marketing strategy is through data collection and analyzation of the results. For example, if you ran a pay-per-click (PPC) campaign, you would carefully track the cost per click, the amount of clicks you are getting, and if they are converting to customers or clients at the end of your sales funnel.

This is equally important for video marketing. Ad tracking and analytics lets you know what works, what does not, and often what you can do to improve results. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that video marketing is so effective at attracting visitors and pushing them down the funnel that you will save considerable money on your long-term strategy.

Video Improves Conversion Rates

When you convert more visitors, viewers, or leads to customers and clients, you get a higher return on any investment you make. Video works to do this by increasing engagement, grabbing attention from the start, reducing bounce rate, and giving viewers a clear look at what your brand stands for and has to offer them.

Cost Savings Over PPC Campaigns

While other forms of advertising also cost quite a bit both online and off, pay-per-click campaigns are notoriously good at sucking your budget dry. If you get the wrong keyword phrases, you will spend a large amount of money every day for a very small amount of return.

The worst part about this is that the costs continue automatically until you change things or cancel the PPC promotion. On the other hand, a one-time cost for excellent video production creates an ongoing benefit that drives conversions and makes a great impression now and in the future. Your initial expense never repeats unless you want to add another video to your marketing mix.

Make Videos Do Double Duty to Save More

If you want to spend even less money, use one promotional video in multiple ways that are just as effective at getting eyes on your marketing message. Of course, you can post the same video on YouTube, your social media account, and your website. You can do this once or even repeat the process over a period of time.

Another excellent way to leverage the power of a single brand-specific video project involves using pieces of it to create other media content. For example, use the same intro screens for every video you make, use the audio as part of a podcast or webinar, or take still shots of a tutorial video to create a step-by-step how-to blog post.

Video marketing saves you money in the long run for two main reasons. First, you get a considerably higher return on investment than from other advertising methods. Second, when tracked and utilized correctly, video gives you the opportunity to create additional marketing materials that work far into the future.