Success is one of those words that has a myriad of definitions. I can ask a hundred people “How would you define success?” And I would get a hundred different answers. I had an interesting conversation a few weeks back with a colleague as to how social media has redefined “success”. We both agreed that, if you have a smart phone you can “appear” (with images and content) to be incredibly successful – even if you are not. Image and content alone can no longer be counted on to represent the truth. “Likes” and “views” have taken over. Often after seeing an image – it’s left up to our imagination and personal perception to translate what is real and what is fake.

You are so bombarded by “success stories” through your news feeds… but are those REALLY success stories?

It’s easy to get discouraged as an entrepreneur. You are so bombarded by “success stories” through your news feeds… but are those REALLY success stories? I don’t believe so. From what I have seen online, it’s a lot of people who are “faking it ‘til they make it” and if ts working why blame them? As an entrepreneur I understand more then ever that I have to build my business OUTSIDE of any social media platform and use social media to generate some traffic but not all of it.

I’m a creative entrepreneur. On a daily bases I produce, edit, market, network, schedule meetings, write blogs, brain storm, schedule social media posts and much more. I do all that to not only my brand but also my in my craft. I have to manage finances, communications, research and development and from time to time, shoot videos and photos. It’s my belief that a multi-layered and well rounded approach that will garner more success.